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Some people think that there is a correct or a standard way to prepare caipirinha however there are variations everywhere.

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Jaboticaba Caipirinha

This video from www.mapadacachaca.com.br teaches you a caipirinha variation using jaboticaba. 
Jaboticaba is one of those fruits found in every brazilian backyard but seldom in supermarkets. Jaboticaba is known in botanical books as  myrciaria cauliflora. 
This video explains nicely each ingredient, beginning with the cachaça brand Santo Mario. Santo Mario is aged in oak barrels a process that while soften its taste with notes of vanilla also gives the spirit this nice light brown colour. It would be very difficult, I suppose, to find jaboticabas outside Brazil, so, don't forget when you visit this country to ask for this jaboticaba drink.  Hope you enjoy. 
Thanks to Felipe Jannuzzi for pointing me to this video.

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